Thursday, October 07, 2004


Hari itu aku berjalan
Tanpa ada kepastian
Seperti biasa
Bukanlah niatku
Untuk bertemu
Walaupun janji sudah disepakati
Aku ingin kembali
Tanpa harus bertemu
Dan.. Mengenal


Bila yang kurasa hanya harapan hampa
Aku ingin lari
Sebelum ini semakin menjadi


Hatiku menjalankan tubuhku
Menggerakkan hariku
Mengisi benakku


Itu yang kurasa..
Aku jatuh cinta


Blogger jonaz said...

one heart has broken...

9:34 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

let me sing a song from JOY :D ....

Dan bila aku berdiri tegak sampai hari ini
bukan karena kuat dan hebatku.....

Semua karena CINTA...
semua.. karena CINTA....

Tak mampu diriku..
dapat berdiri tegak..


You deserve to have it, my bro..!!!

2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some folks are more cautious than others. Along with the thrill of new love comes the potential for heartbreak. Some people choose blithely to follow their heart and hope for the best; others want to be sure that they're on solid ground before throwing their lot in together. Both attitudes have their merits -it all depends on your circumstances. The main thing is to be open to love, to allow it happen in a way that feels comfortable to you :)

11:48 PM  

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