Wednesday, May 23, 2007

When Love Ends

Love ends when money is involve
That is shallow

Love ends when one flesh is not enough
That is everyday

Love ends when one doesn't feel the same
The other one need to survive

Love ends when one is gone
That is life

Love ends when both sides are in love
That is tragic


Another new theory about love.
Written in Babyface - When Can I See You Again.

When Can I See You Again.. When Can My Heart Beat Again..

Sunday, May 06, 2007

The Puzzle

Angga : So how long have you've been single?
In terms of not kissing and all of those stupid shits? 5 days.
In terms of not being in actual relationship? 15 months

Angga : hmmm...


The tarot guy : Auramu lagi bagus-bagusnya nih , Mir. Bercahaya banget. Ini kalo kamu tebar pesona, bisa dapet pacar.
Aku nggak pengen tebar pesona. Tapi aku emang lagi kepikiran satu orang.
The tarot guy : Telpon dia lah. SMS lah paling nggak.
The tarot guy : Aneh-aneh ae. Presentasi ke klien bisa bagus, nelpon aja kok takut.
Beda, mas. Aku sebenernya paling takut ngomongin perasaan kalau udah seneng ama orang.
The tarot guy : telpon lah. Sepertinya dia nungguin kok.
The tarot guy : Setengah jam lagi. Jam 9 lah.
