Friday, June 25, 2004

They say

Well, they say it would not change, if one being itself
They said, they wouldn't left
They said, they wouldn't be deaf
They said, they will understand.

Well, you know what, they just dont do what they said they will do.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Jangan sembarang menyepelekan kata pembantu!

The Lesson I learned, the word 'assistant'(gitu kan bahasa kerennya) could be a killing word! Untuk mendapat posisi 'pembantu', seseorang benar-benar bisa membunuh. Bisa mengucapkan kata yang disadari atau tidak menyakiti hati orang lain. Bisa menyebar kebohongan. Bisa mempropagandakan sesuatu yang tidak benar. Scary! Memang sih tergantung pembantu macam apa yang diperebutkan. Mulai dari Pembantu Gubernur (or so called Wakil), pembantu Presiden (or so called wapres), sampai pembantu rumah tangga bule(or so called TKI - TKW), banyak hal 'nista' yang dilakukan.

The Question is one. How low can u go to be one.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004


The feeling is growing. But where is the path leading?

(-) 8:47 am 24 MAY 04
Met pagi! gmn tidurnya smalem? kesampean kan punya tidur berkualitas? niy dah d kantor yak? well have a nice day deh... c u soon!

(-) 10:57 pm 25 MAY 04
yeah, honestly that's so weird! But it's gonna be even more weird because i feel the same thing! i miss u too!

(-) 1:32 am 29 MAY 04
thankz a bunch for taking me home yah! udah di kamar lagi kan niy? iya niy badanku agak nggak enak but i already took some medicine.. hope i'll be okay!

(+) 2:42 pm 29 MAY 04
....When u say u love me, do u know how i love u?....

(-) 5:31 pm 29 MAY 04
kok tadi malem aku sms gak d bales siy.. tadi sama mama pergi kmana?

(+) 11:41 pm 29 MAY 04
Well, believe me u will if u keep telling ur mind that your feeling is right but he is not putting u as his first priority, u can overcome it sooner or later and i am always ready for ur hard time

(-) 4:49 pm 2 JUNE 04
bo'ong deng! aku jadi kangen kok sama kamu!

(-) 5:17 pm 2 JUNE 04
no replies yak? ..dan hatiku tersisa sini, bahagianya bila ada kamu.. takkan habis - shanty

(-) 5:17 pm 4 JUNE 04
deu, abis ciuman ampe pagi ya mas?! sama sapa tuuww?! btw, thx 4 shantynya!

(-) 9:26 pm 4 JUNE 04
Being truth, that's on my mind now.. I still don't think that it's gonna work..

(-) 12:40 am 7 JUNE 04
aku tadi sholat dan di salah satu doaku, aku minta supaya Allah tetep ngijinin kamu jd temenku.. setidaknya untuk berbagi cerita..sebagai pengangkat beban..

(-) 5:05 pm 8 JUNE 04

(-) 10:47 pm 8 JUNE 04
penjelasan selanjutnya bikin kamu tambah sakit.. jd aku gak tau musti ngapain krn aku sayang sama kamu! in different way.. aku gak mau kamu sakit..

(-) 10:54 pm 8 JUNE 04
U know people around me! inside my heart i'm curious of their lifes. And because i'm not sure that i'm not one of them.. gw cuma pengen tau aja...

(-) 10:59 pm 8 JUNE 04
karna gw ngrasa nyaman dgn flitingan loe waktu itu. Jujur gw deg2an! wah gw jatuh cinta neh! tp pas qta make out, gw gak bisa mangkir gw byngin m.o ama orang lain!

(-) 11:03 pm 8 JUNE 04
kamu puas? kamu puas bikin aku makin takut kehilangan kamu? tell me! reply!

(-) 11:115 pm 8 JUNE 04
kamu benci aku? aku emang pantes kamu benci.. from the beginning i've told u that i'm a jerk! cuman asal kamu tau klo slamanya aku akan selalu sayang sama kamu!

(-) 11:17 pm 8 JUNE 04
slamet malem, cha.. makasih udah nemenin aku slama ini..

(-) 11:34 pm 8 JUNE 04
Give me some reply please. Let me know apapun yang ada di kepalamu dan di hatimu. Please. Jangan bikin aku bingung.

Just when we think we are in something called relationship. All over sudden, confussion come along. Those messages up there are from two persons. One is the one I think I fallin to. The other is from a concern friend.

Friday, June 04, 2004

The Lips were unsealed
The hugs was very real
The touch is to reveal
The truly longing feeling has been healed

It was just beautiful
It was just sweet
It made me happy

Just dont break my heart by telling me that it was a mistake
Was it a mistake when we're happy of what we were doing?

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Josh Groban in one of his song says:
...When u say you love me, do you know how I love you....?

Well, darling, you dont have to say that you love me..
Just feel how I love you.
The feeling is real.